Reflections on a Changing Season
The leaves slowly start to unfurl from their winter slumber, bringing with them a renewed sense of optimism and opportunity. We know what comes next – leaves, then flowers, and then, with luck, fruit – but still, the small buds seem to symbolize endless possibilities each year. We watch with anticipation as the grass shifts from lifeless and brown to a vibrant green, and as the forecasted temperatures rise.
The sun’s rays become warm again, after fighting to keep up with the bitter winds of winter. When the wind comes to a stop, you can feel the sunshine infusing you with warmth all the way down to your soul. The sun also extends its stay with us into the evening, stretching our days later and later with each passing week.
The sidewalks, streets, and parks are suddenly brought back to life after being vacant for most of the winter – as if, all of a sudden, there was a universal cue to spend time outside again. People are dressed in curious gear, some opting for shorts and t-shirts while others cling to their winter parkas, but each person you pass seems to have more of a spring in their step and a grin on their face.
Walks to the local coffee shop start to happen more frequently, with the spoils of the trip often being served on ice, and evening happy hours move to the deck. Picnic lunches and breakfasts become more commonplace, and maybe you even have a tote bag packed up with a blanket to sit on and dishes to use, just waiting for you at the back door for whenever the mood strikes.
Time seems to move slower, and dinner starts to shift to a later hour in favour of spending more time in the fresh air. Soon, local produce with grace our meals, bringing with it so much more flavour exploding out of every bite than we remember being possible.
Here’s to warmer weather, to new possibilities, and to spring.